Dr. Maulana Sarfraz Ahmad Awan – Khutbah-e-Jumma

This page contains all the Khutbah-e-Jummah of Dr. Maulana Sarfraz Ahmad Awan. You can download the files by either clicking on the file in the player and clicking download or going to the lecture year from the top menu bar and downloading the lecture from the listing at the bottom of the page.

2024 Lectures For Dr. Maulana Sarfraz Ahmad Awan

Latest Lecture: Quranic Guidance For Reforming Society – 19th July 2024

Link to lecture: https://bit.ly/QuranReformingSociety

Podcast Link: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/5oUexmKvpLb

New Episodes are being released on Podcasts. Will start adding older lectures on podcasts in time.

Google Podcast: Google Podcasts

Apple Podcast: Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast: Spotify Podcasts

2023 Lectures For Dr. Maulana Sarfraz Ahmad Awan

Click To Listen To Lectures From 2022 – 2012

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