Kya Safar Ka Maheena Manhoos Hai? – 18th August 2023
Is Month Of Safar Cursed?: Dr. Maulana Sarfraz Ahmad Awan | 18th August 2023
English Translation
Introduction: Islamic Khutbah for Is Month Of Safar Cursed?
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأنبياء وعادم المرسلين وعلى آله وصحبه ومن طمعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين اما بعد فآعوذ باللہ من الشیطان الرجیم وذلب لهم مثلا أصحاب القرية إذ جاء أهل المرسلون إذ أرسلنا إليهم أذنهم فكذبهما وعززنا بثالث فقالوا إنا إليكم مرسلون وعززنا بثالث فقالوا إنا إليكم مرسلون قالوا من عيالك إنا إليكم مرسلون قالوا ما أنتم إلا بشر بذرنا وما أنزل الرحمن من شيء إن أنتم لا تغذبون وما أنزل الرحمن من شيء إن أنتم لا تغذبون قالوا من عيالك إنا إليكم مرسلون وما علينا إلا البراء والمبين قالوا إنا تطينا بكم لإن لم تنتبهوا لنرجمنكم ولا يمسننكم منا عذاب الهالي قالوا طائرون معكم وإن تفكرتم من أنتم قوم مسلمون وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا عدوى ولا أحمد ولا نوى ولا سفر رواه مسلم صدق الله وصدق رسوله النبي الكريم
Introduction: Understanding Misconceptions About the Month of Safar
As the month of Safar commences, various beliefs and attributions surface, some of which concern the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Among these are allegations of defects and falsehoods against the Prophet. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) explicitly warned, “Whoever intentionally attributes a lie to me will be made to live in Hell.” Consequently, the five esteemed companions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), who shared their lives with the Beloved, did not extensively narrate Hadiths. This should not be misconstrued as a lack of knowledge of the Prophet’s teachings; rather, they refrained from proliferating his sayings out of reverence. We will discuss in this article why people Month Of Safar Cursed?
Their intention was to prevent any inadvertent distortions. It is regrettable that numerous unfounded beliefs about the month of Safar circulate on social media, perpetuating baseless assumptions. For instance, some people avoid marriage or initiating new business ventures during this month due to lingering superstitions regarding its supposed inauspicious nature. This tradition, passed down through generations, stems from the idea that adhering to ancestral customs is of great significance, a notion supported when examining the Quranic accounts of the Prophets, from Noah (peace be upon him) to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), who often emphasized the importance of following their forefathers’ ways.
When they are told to follow those instructions that Allah has revealed, that is, follow the Sunnah of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), follow that.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they say, “We will do what our forefathers did not do.” They say, “We will do what our forefathers used to do.” When Prophet Abraham stopped the people from worshipping idols, “We have seen our forefathers worshiping idols.” This is a complete detail that I will mention later. The tradition of the nations has always been that they did not leave the traditions of their forefathers. They put the words of the Prophet of Allah aside. However, the truth is that the words of the forefathers will be valid until they are not opposed to the Holy Quran and Sunnah. If they are opposed to the Holy Quran and Sunnah and are contradicting the Holy Quran and Sunnah, then it is the duty of a believer to give precedence to the words of Allah and His Messenger. And to ignore the words of the forefathers that are contradicting the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Whoever follows the words of Allah and His Messenger will be very successful.
The Significance of Safar in Islamic History
The month of Safar has been a very important and blessed month in the history of Muslims. For example, when the Beloved of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, after the permission of Allah, started the migration to Medina, the migration began on the 27th month of Safar 13 Nabwi, 15th August 621. And you know that the migration was the foundation of the establishment of the first Islamic state. So the month of Safar is very blessed in this regard.
Significant Events in the Month of Safar
Similarly, on the 12th of Safar, 2nd Hijri, which corresponds to the 4th of August 623, Allah granted permission to the Muslims to fight against the disbelievers, and this verse was revealed by Allah:
It became a crime for Muslims to profess that our Lord is Allah, and based on the belief in “La ilaha illa Allah,” Muslims were subjected to oppression. Therefore, Allah granted permission to fight in order to end this injustice and establish peace, saying اُزِنَا (permission has been granted). This permission allowed Muslims to defend themselves. With this newfound permission, Muslims engaged with their traditional enemy in battles like Badr and Uhud. In the Battle of Khandaq, they defeated the allied armies of that era. Subsequently, Muslims were protected from the Roman Empire and other military powers in battles that followed. This significant permission was granted during the month of Safar.
Likewise, according to one opinion, in the month of Safar, 2nd Hijri, the marriage of Sayyidina Ali and Sayyida Fatima Zahra took place—a highly successful and blessed union. In the month of Safar, 7th Hijri, Sayyidina Abdul Rehman Ibn Sakra, also known as Hazrat Abu Huraira, and around 70-80 families of his tribe, the tribe of Daws, embraced Islam. Hazrat Abu Huraira’s teachings, particularly his dedication to preserving the wealth of Hadith, became a significant contribution to Islam. Over 5000 Ahadith, approximately 5300 Ahadith, were conveyed to the Ummah through Sayyidina Abu Huraira, who also embraced Islam during the month of Safar.
Noteworthy Occurrences in the Month of Safar
Similarly, in the month of Safar, 8th Hijri, two eminent companions, Hazrat Khalid Ibn Walid and Hazrat Amr Ibn Al-Aas (R.A.), embraced Islam, and through their efforts, Allah opened the doors to numerous conquests. Each of them played a distinct role in these conquests.
In the month of Safar, 99th Hijri, Hazrat Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz (may Allah be pleased with him) ascended to the throne. His reign is renowned as the era of Khilafat-e-Rashida, though it was relatively brief. Nonetheless, it left a profound impact, often leading historians to include him among the Khulafa-e-Rashideen.
Moreover, during the month of Safar in 146 Hijri, Abu Mansur, the second ruler of the Banu Abbas dynasty, initiated the construction of the illustrious city of Baghdad along the banks of the Dajjala River. Baghdad went on to become a cultural and intellectual hub of the Muslim world.
In Safar, 160 Hijri, the mother of Khalifa Harun-ul-Rashid, Khayzaran, entered into a successful marriage that bore a son named Harun-ul-Rashid.
Despite these significant events, baseless misconceptions about Safar persist, stemming from pre-Islamic times. In the era of ignorance, Safar was considered ominous due to specific historical reasons related to Arab customs. During the sacred months of Dhu al-Qa‘dah, Dhu al-Hijjah, and Muharram, lasting peace prevailed in the Arabian region, attributed to the pilgrimage season and the sacredness of these months. However, as soon as Muharram-ul-Haraam concluded, conflicts and wars would resurface, homes would be abandoned, and insecurity prevailed. The Arabs would say, “Safar-al-Makaan,” referring to the empty houses. This superstition even led to false beliefs about an imagined stomach insect causing illness. Despite efforts by Muslim scholars to dispel these myths, some people continue to associate Safar with ill omens.
Dispelling Superstitions: Islam’s Perspective
My dear friends, it’s crucial to recognize that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) played a pivotal role in dispelling the erroneous beliefs of the pre-Islamic era. He unequivocally rejected the superstitious notions held by the Arabs, such as certain months, birds, animals, or times being cursed.
Islam provides us with a fundamental belief, and I implore you to engrain it in your hearts and pass it on to others. Islam firmly asserts that no particular month, day, time, individual, nation, animal, or bird is cursed in any manner – none whatsoever.
There is no curse associated with a house, a rider, a woman, a bird, an owl, a cat, or a black dog, nor is there any such superstition tied to Monday or Wednesday. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explicitly declared specific days, times, and places as blessed, but he never labeled any time as accursed. When you delve into the Holy Qur’an, you’ll find that Allah designates the Ka’bah as blessed.
That is, the first house that was built for people to worship Allah, that first house was built for worship. Where is it? In Makkah.
It is in Makkah and it is blessed.
There is no doubt about it. It is the center of blessings and mercy. If you say “Subhan Allah” once there, Allah will grant you the ability to say it a hundred thousand times. If you attend a funeral prayer there, Allah will grant you the ability to do good deeds equal to a hundred thousand mountains.
There are many blessings there. Praying with discipline, kissing the Holy Black Stone, standing behind the Maqam-e-Ibrahim and offering the Nafl, and sitting in the Ka’bah in Hathim, worshipping Allah, touching the Rukn-e-Yamani, drinking water during the rain under the Meeza-e-Rehmat – all these are blessings.
Blessed Times and Waters
Similarly, Allah has said “Laylat-al-Qadr” to the blessed night.
“We have sent down this Qur’an in a blessed night.”
The Qur’an is such a book that if it is revealed in the night, it is a blessed night. If it is revealed in the month, it is a blessed month. And the heart that is revealed in the night, is the most blessed heart in the whole universe.
إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَـٰهُ فِى لَيْلَةٍۢ مُّبَـٰرَكَةٍ
Some people have taken it as the Shab e-Barat. But the reality is that this blessed night is the Laylat-al-Qadr.
Similarly, Allah has also declared the rain as blessed water. Scholars have quoted this hadith that there are three times when the prayers made especially for Allah are accepted: during rain, because the blessings of Allah are being revealed; during a journey, Allah’s help is present when a person asks for help from Allah; and the third time is when parents pray for their children.
Blessed Rain and Quran
So, Allah says that there are many blessings in the rain.
This blessed water, we drink it through gardens. Gardens are sustained by it. The crops that you cut are nourished by it. And the date palms, SubhanAllah, the date trees, the water gives them life.
رِّزْقًۭا لِّلْعِبَادِ
The provision that is made for the people, Allah provides it through this water. So, the rainwater is also called blessed.
Similarly, Allah has called the Holy Qur’an blessed in four places.
Allah says,
وَهَذَا ذِكْرٌ مُبَارَكٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ
“And this is a blessed remembrance, which We have sent down.”
“Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward.”
Allah has said that the tree of olive is blessed whose fruits are blessed, its oil is blessed. In every way blessed. Allah has called the sentence of Salam, in the Qur’an, blessed. The sentence of Salam. “Assalamu alaikum.” Allah has mentioned the etiquettes of entering the house, for me and you. He has mentioned the etiquettes.
One of those etiquettes is this,
أَشْتَاتًۭا ۚ فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُم بُيُوتًۭا
O people, when you enter the house,
فَسَلِّمُوا۟ عَلَىٰٓ أَنفُسِكُمْ
So, if there is no one in the house, still, say, “Assalamu alaikum.” Still, what should you say? People think that saying Assalam to your wife is their weakness. So, we should say Assalam to my wife in the house too? Now, Salam is gradually becoming unpopular in our society. People are stopping saying Salam. Salam will be done to those who have a purpose. In fact, if a stranger says Salam to a stranger, then the one who is saluted, he thinks that, “Maybe he has some business with me.”
لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ
This is a wrong thought, which is gradually taking birth in our society.
Allah says in the Holy Qur’an,
أَشْتَاتًۭا ۚ فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُم بُيُوتًۭا
O people, when you enter the house,
فَسَلِّمُوا۟ عَلَىٰٓ أَنفُسِكُمْ
So, to your loved ones, to the people in the house, as if they are you, or at least if there is no one else, you should say to yourself, “Assalamu alaikum.”
You have received this sentence of meeting from Allah, which is very pure and extremely blessed. It is very pure and extremely what? Who is saying it? Allah is saying it. A very pure sentence. There can be no such beautiful sentence. The words that are used in the meeting of people in all nations, you will not find such a word anywhere.
When you say, “Assalamu alaikum,” what does it mean? That all the peace in the treasures of Allah, it is given to you. And the second meaning of this is that “Assalam” is the attribute name of Allah. “Assalamu alaikum”
That entity which is “Assalam” it is yours.
So tell me how beautiful and beautiful is this sentence. If the companions were walking together and a tree would come in the middle and both would be separate, one would pass from here, one would pass from here. When they would pass and come together, they would say to each other, “Assalamu alaikum.” This is a prayer. The best prayer. There can be no better prayer than this. I am not going into the details.
Blessings in Various Aspects
In the mention of Hazrat Isa (as), it is said,
Surah Maryam – Ayat 31
وَجَعَلَنِى مُبَارَكًا أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُ
(Surah Maryam – Ayat 31)
Allah has made me blessed. The tree which was present on Mount Sinai, on which the light of Allah was being revealed, and the honor and the honor of the conversation and the conversation of Moses with Allah the Almighty, it is said in it,
“O Moses, I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” So here that tree was also called blessed, where the manifestation of Allah is being revealed. Similarly, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in the month of Ramadan,
قَدْ اَذَلَّكُمْ شَہْرٌ عَظِيمٌ شہرٌ مبارکٌ
a blessed month.
In all these conversations, I have said to you that the Qur’anic verses and the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) make it clear that in our time, some days, some nights, some places, and some things are certainly blessed. But no day, no moment, no place, and no person is not cursed in our religion. Not Cursed. In our country, the Shiite community, the Shiite people, the diaries they have, in those diaries, the word “Sa’ad” and “Nahas” i.e. blessed and not blessed are mentioned in the diaries. It is written in those diaries that if you get your nails cut at a particular time, you will be blessed. If you go to get your clothes ironed after a certain time, you will be cursed. لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله I am amazed. So, the concept of getting their hair cut, going to get their clothes ironed, and getting married, is a concept that they have attributed as “Sa’ad” and “Nahas” in their own way. It is a concept that they have in their own way. And there is a very big grudge against the companions behind it. I don’t want to talk about it. But understand that Allah’s Beloved (PBUH) called the mischief and immorality as Shirk.
The Prophet’s Words on Superstition
Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ud says that Hazrat Muhammad PBUH said,
Said it three times. People, mischief and immorality is a bad thing. Because the one who thinks that the mischief and immorality is effective, is considering something else as effective besides being the effective of Allah. And who is the effective? Allah.
That is why said:
لا تصبت دہر
That is why Allah says, “Do not curse the world, for I am the world.”. The world is not effective. Who is the effective? Allah. The world has not changed. The sun rises at the same time, and sets at the same time. The system of the sun and the moon is the same as it was before. It will remain the same in the future. We have changed. Humans have changed. Human beings have changed in their behavior, attitude, and behavior.
Hazrat Ubaisa said that The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,
العیافتو وطرقو وطیرتو من الجب
Said: O People, To take action in the Arabic way by flying birds. When the Arabs bird flew to the right, they used to say, “May you have a blessed journey. Start.”. When the bird flew to the left, they used to say, “No, no this travel will not successful.”. Flying the birds and taking the leaf, and doing the work of sand, and taking the way of the Arabs, are all polytheistic actions.
In fact, in a statement, the Beloved of Allah said
ليس منا من تَطَيَّر
“Those who take the way of the polytheists have nothing to do with us.”
أو تُطُيِّر له
“And be prepared for those who take the way of the polytheists have nothing to do with us.”
أو تَكَهَّن
“And the polytheist who has described the state of destiny, gives the news of the future, and sees the lines of hands,
أو تُكِهِّن له
“Or who went to find out the state of destiny, has nothing to do with us.”
أو سحَر
“And the polytheist who has done magic himself,
أو سحَر
or for whom magic is done, went to the magician, and said, ‘Please do this work of mine through magic.'”
Who went to a soothsayer, A fortune teller, “please see my hand”, “Just align my stars”. And the one poor, who sits on the footpath, carries a lot of dirt from morning to evening, through his nose, into his lungs.” “And he is sitting in the waiting, that someone comes and traps me, and arranges for my children’s sustenance.”. “He himself has his stars revoloving, what will he get from you?”. He himself has his stars revoloving
من أتى قاهن
Who went to such a person
أصبت قهو بما يقول
And then he confirmed what he said
“Yes, yes, yes, you are right, he is my relative, he is doing this against me.”. “Yes, yes, yes, my shop is closed by the one who is my neighbour shopkeeper”.
Divine Sustenance is Uninterruptible
There is no one who can cut off your sustenance. The Beloved of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is sitting next to him, and he is saying to the companion. “O my son, let the whole world come together, and put all their strength to try to harm you. They can cause you no harm. Only what Allah willed will happen. What do you think about this?. We do say this but when the situation is such, we become weak.
فَصَدَّقَهُ مِمَا يَقُولُ
Confirmed his sayings.
فَقَدْ كَفَرَ بِمَا أُنزِلْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ
So they are denying that Quran
Which Allah has revealed to Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. The newspaper that comes, how will your week pass? In fact, the newspaper comes, “Get your destiny made by us.”. “We will make you a destiny.”. “You will hang it on your neck.”. Because it is necessary that that destiny will not come free. Allah is the Greatest, the Most Merciful. They are making their destiny in the quest for that destiny.
Ibn e Umar said that Hazrat Muhammad PBUH said: A person who is prevented from doing something by an evil omen has surely committed shirk. On one occasion, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about three things,. “No one is safe from them.”. “No one is saved from these three things.”. But, if you pay attention, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,
الطيرة والحسد والزك
“There are three things that are found in people.”. “One is jealousy, the second is envy, and the third is superstition.”. “The third is superstition.”. “The Prophet was asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what should we do then?'”. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “If you have the thought of being ungrateful, then you should still put your trust in Allah and go to work.”. If you have the thought that the black cat has passed from your path, the black dog has passed from your path, Nothing has happened. Start your work by trusting Allah. If you have the thought of being jealous, then you should not continue it immediately.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “If you have the thought of being ungrateful, then you should first investigate it.”. A man was walking on the road. He was very thirsty. He knocked on a door. A man came from inside. First man said, “I am very thirsty. Please give me some water.”. The second man said, “Bismillah. I will bring water right now.”. Second man went inside. A while passed. The man who was standing outside said, “He is a very bad man. He said that he will bring water. I am waiting.”. He did not come back. When he came out, second man said, “I am sorry. “. First man said that you asked for water. Second man instead prepared a glass of Skanjabin drink for you.”. What happened next? Now, the misunderstanding has changed into a good one. The thirst which was very strong, when he drank a sip of the drink then his thirst did not quench. First man said, “He is a very bad man. He brought a bad one.”. Second man took out a bag from his pocket. Second man said, “I brought sugar in case you are not feeling well.”. Now, what happened to the misunderstanding? It changed into a good one. When you have a misunderstanding, first investigate what the reality is.
In fact, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH that do not get involved in this. But, have a good understanding about the believers. The Holy Qur’an has explained to us what is the real reason for the badness in any nation or person. We will discuss this in the next sermon.